Friday, February 20, 2009

London Marathon

As some of you may know, last April, when the London marathon ran by my house, I (Kevin) thought it looked like good fun, so I put my name in the Lottery for 2009. After completely forgetting about it, I received a notification in the post in October notifying me that I have won a place in the marathon.
Prior to this, the furthest I've ever run is about 5 miles. Four months later, I've now run 13.1 miles, which is equivelent to a 1/2 marathon. In two months, I need to double that distance. Hopefully with your support, I'll keep motivated to train and be able to complete the marathon in under 4 hours.

Please sponsor me online if you are able to, as the money goes toward cancer reasearch, which I believe to be a very worthy cause.


1 comment:

n said...

Well, that does sound like fun. Good for you!