Sunday, November 04, 2007

Fireworks - Guy Fawkes

We went to the Guy Fawkes fireworks at Blackheath (near Greenwich) just 15 min. walk from our house. It was amazing.. not too cold and the sky was clear that night.

History of Guy Fawkes can be found by clicking the following URL

Koji's Shabu Shabu

Steam boat (hot pot) at Koji's Shabu Shabu. Recommended by a local. The beef was amazing and we only had to wait for a table for 15 minutes. (not bad for a tourist area).

Universal Studios

We were grateful for such sunny weather throughout the entire trip! Universal Studios was a lot of fun!

Day 1 in Hollywood

First day in Hollywood, LA. This photo was taken with Kevin standing in front of the Chinese Theatre located across from Jimmy Kimmel's Live studio.