Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sunny days - April 15th Weekend

The weekend of April 15th was absolutlely gorgeous. I spent the Saturday studying (pretty much all day), but then on Sunday I studied for a couple of hours in the morning, and then wanted to enjoy the weather. It was one of Christine's work friends last day in London (Eirik - he moved to Norway the following Monday), so we wanted to meet up with him. We had dim sum at a place by the water with Eirik and Andrew (another friend from Christine's work), and then went to Greenwich. I decided I wanted to try to fly a kite, so we purchased a kite in the market and went to the park. Unfortuantley, it wasn't windy enough, so I didn't try it. Christine did though! She gave it a valiant effort, but I think it stayed up mostly due to Christine running around. We ended the day by have dinner and a pint by the water (picture above). All and all, a great day.


Dutch Navy in London

About a month ago, Christine and I were walking home and saw a massive sail boat. We walked up to it, and asked the guy standing guard about the ship. Turns out that it was a Dutch Navy training ship, and they were in the Docklands for a couple of days on route back to their home. To our surprise, they asked if we wanted to come on board to have a look. We took them up on the offer, and this sailor took us around. He was super nice, and it was a great experience. The ship was in perfect condition (due to the hours of care spent on the ship each day - as our sailor friend told us), and it was a great experience.

London Update

Its been a busy couple of weeks for Christine and me. A couple of Chrsitine's coworkers decided to quit after bonus time, which means that things have been super busy for her until the new replacements start.

As for me, its getting close to crunch time for the CFA. June 2nd is the day, and with any luck, I can forget about these exams for a loooong time... so, between now and then, my spare time is limited. Thus far, I try to study every weekend morning for a couple of hours, and then do something relaxing with Chrsitine in the afternoon. The weather has been great, so its been tough to get focused on studying later in the days.

Greenwich Mean Time

One of our favorite areas that we have discovered to spend a lazy weekend day is Greenwich. The market is nice, and then there is a beautiful park which you can relax and watch time pass... and if you want to literally watch time pass, you can head up the hill to the Greenwich Mean Time exhibit, the start of time! well, sort of.